KPUB Korean BBQ Officially Opens at The Fort
are finally opening K Pub BBQ, a korean inspired BBQ restaurant, with
420 seating capacity. The biggest Korean restaurant in the Philippines.
Experience a lot of first, first concept restaurant to do meat all you
can with a time limits, first Heineken bar inside K Pub, first
restaurant to use a 8 meters x 3.5 meters LED video wall, the first
venue to play korean drama series on per day per episode, the first
venue to play concert series of K Pop groups like you are transported to
the real concert hall, the first to use tablet where you can chat with
other tables, the first to be serving Korean street foods and the list
can go on and one. So come one, come all. Lets Partee!
Price starts at 499+ per person for meat all you can for 60 minutes and 899+ for no time limits!
The 1st Heineken Bar in the Philippines
There's a Heineken Bar inside the big KPOP inspired Korean BBQ restaurant so, no need to move to another venue to enjoy some beer and cocktails